Your logo is only the tip of the iceberg. A lot of elements come into play. Baru Designs emphasises and implements a wholesome brand design strategy that translates beyond your awesome logo into that impressive first impression


Brand market

research & analysis

Understanding how communication and messages alter brand perception. Communication is key because you have to listen to your customers needs because the brand is not only owned by you but it also exists in the customers mind and understanding customers perception is how the brand grows.


To achieve that competitive edge you need to listen to your customer recommendation on products or services. Your team of marketers and strategists work with us to make strong confident decisions around the target market.


Understanding what drives your business.

If you're in manufacturing, the important thing to understand is the value and functionality of your physical product. Questions that are often asked include, how is it packaged? How is it labelled? Is it eco-friendly? Once you answer these questions customers are able to form an ideal picture of your product and you can use that ideal to improve on it.

As a service provider, you need to think about the customer needs and how they perceive the service that you provide.

Memorable Logo & Colour Palette

Often times there are brands where services are so widespread in the customer base that their colours are synonymous with the company itself. A good example of this is the Safaricom Brand. In Kenya when you're looking for any of their services you just need to look for the colour green painted on the door of a shop or any poster. The brand has achieved the 1:1 ratio of matching Colour to Company.

When choosing a colour you have to think of how functional it is in relation to your product and services. As a designer I can be colourful to express my expertise thus my range of colours can be broad but there has to be a purpose.

When i choose the colours for my brand I chose Black and white as the primary since that allows me to use my brand assets in any colour.

My secondary colours are Blue, Yellow and Grey (Colours of the Year) since they allow me to update and change them with each new iteration.


Identify the proper functional typography for the different facets of your brand interactions. You many need different typography formats for different products. There are numerous font types and variations to these fonts as well as thousands of ways that different fonts can be paired. But there are really three criteria I consider that any font types must meet when choosing them for your brand.


In addition to having applicable licenses to the fonts they must be usable in every medium. These include digital and analogue. It is therefore important to mockup your fonts on each application from product packaging, social media and other printed media. We create usable mockups for you to view and prototype with your cu before you go to market.

Font weight & Variation

Bold, Italic, Medium, Black, Oblique, Condensed among others are the different aspects of a font that have to be considered. These can help you create an identifiable font hierarchy.

You’ll need to use the different font weights to differentiate between headers, sub-headers, body text, callouts, and quotes in both print and online media.


From uppercase or lowercase, large or small, numbers or letters your font must be easy to read in all mediums. This is where you can combine different font pairing to find what works in what scenarios.

You can pair a Serif Font as a header and a Sans Serif font for the prose if you're a blogger because the latter is easier to read online. We pick and match them depending on your purpose.

Supporting Graphics

Identifiable patterns for your brand. These include symbols, colour combinations, icons that work with your products and services. We can create unique web icons, app icons, navigation icons that are unique for your brand. There are other assets that support your brand such as colours and shapes that can be used to be used in different scenarios such as online posters with or without photography.

This logo was made for a water bottling company. It includes the blue background which can be expanded to fit the circumference of a plastic bottle

For this logo some of the supporting visuals included unique icons that can be used on the footer as well as the unique red-red colour gradient used on all shapes, icons and artwork.

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